Thursday, November 4, 2010


"Complex. That’s what we called life now! I was thinking that we need a simple life. Just like when we were young, when everything is trouble-free. As we get older, we make things complicated for us. Thus, it's a no wonder that we always find bliss in every simple thing that occurs to our life."

-Bobby D. (2010)

On May 24th 2010, 4:20 AM, an adorable baby boy was born at a clinic in Kuala Penyu, Sabah. Yes, that's me! Mom said I was a healthy baby. A bit healthier, perhaps. But... I didn't cause her much trouble. The fact that my brother was 5-years older made it easier for Mom to attend to my needs. And it's also the reason why I couldn't relate to him. He's just too old! We always quarreled last time.

The actual footage is taken at my hometown: Kuala Penyu, Sabah.

However, it's a wonder that I had close solidarity with my sister. People even claimed that we look alike! If that's the case, well, one of us has to admit that we are either, masculine or feminine. I used to keep long hair when I was young.. just like her. However, when I was about to enter a kindergarten, I was forced to have my hair cut. I cried so much that I would blind. But that didn't make me girlish, either. Like I told you I was a rascal. I had once peed from the balcony on the girl that I hate. Guess what? I became a good boy later on. After some punishments, of course.

Back then I savour eggs as my meals. Grandma disliked it anyhow, thinking that it's high in calories. I'd rather not eating if they didn't serve eggs. Fish was a big NO-NO to my appetite. Even until now. I never found pleasure in smelling it. I could get dizzy easily smelling to the raw fish. I used to breathe through my mouth instead when I was at a fish market. It could be that when I was in Mom's womb, both of my parents were fish mongers, and I was growing tire out of it. I couldn't be too sure.

I believed that my childhood was short, and sweet. I said it short because I couldn't really recall the past memories that well. The best, most vivid when I was 3 years old. I was a mischievous boy back then. There was once I took a broom to struck a table fan. Without feeling guilty, I pointed it to my brother. Poor him, he received all the blame!

Later on, when I was 4 years old (if I was not mistaken), I remembered collecting and playing with umbrella. If that reminds you of Rihanna, be it, because we shared the same trait! I also enjoyed playing Barbie dolls. It was my hobby to put nice dress on the dolls. My late Grandpa never forbade from playing with them, considering that I was a boy. He couldn't afford to do so, think.. he doted on me, that's for sure. Besides, he never allowed me to play the dirty muddy cloud outside. Instead, he would roll some doughs and let me play with it. More hygienic, I think?

If you assumed that I was a sissy back then, you were further from the truth. I was just innocent. How did I know that umbrella and dolls were meant for girls? Even now, I still believe it was a stereotype. Well, in case that you were in doubt. Let me tell you. I enjoyed playing and riding a buffalo as well. Now, did it sound like a cowboy to you? I also had a great time fishing with my Grandpa. The best part was I always spent time at beach (no wonder I was good at swimming). Apparently, many of my pictures were taken at the beach.

Guess who's that adorable boy?


Anonymous said...

You'll want to add a facebook button to your blog. I just bookmarked this article, although I had to complete it manually. Simply my $.02 :)

- Robson

Anonymous said...

Il semble que vous soyez un expert dans ce domaine, vos remarques sont tres interessantes, merci.

- Daniel

Bobby D. said...

how are you ? im happy for ur comment :)