Friday, November 12, 2010


I always remind others, "Once GOD touches your life, you will never say NO to Him. Not even once."

Yes, I was lost before. Before I embraced Christianity, I remembered whispering: “If you're real, show me who you are. Show me that you are truly My GOD, My Salvation.” Somewhere in 2008, my wish was granted. There was this one particular night where I experienced something spiritual.

I had an extensive swimming lessons earlier, so I felt lethargic. Nevertheless, I accompanied my Godfather to fetch his niece. Surprisingly later, I noticed that I wasn't inside the car, but in his living room. I thought I was dreaming, but some slaps on the face made me realised that it was real. I was fully awake, in a dark and cold living room. The feelings were beyond explanation, as if I were in the other world.

The gloomy surrounding didn't stop me from noticing a figure. He walked briskly, yet quietly towards me. I thought it was my Godfather, but there's something different about him. I could see lights surrounded him. His brightly shining face bedazzled me, so I could barely see his look. I had to admit that I was petrified, though. I blurted, "Who could he be?"

He sat beside me, but I pretended to sleep. His hand softly touched my forehead and he whispered to my ears, “don’t be afraid.” for several times before he crossed my forehead. Later I passed out until the next day. I didn't really take that as a Sign because I thought the apparition was merely a hallucination. Not after two days later, where the cryptic message became evident and significant.

I was reading the Holy Bible by that time, and my eyes glued on one particular verse. "Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid." [Matthew 14:27] It was the verse which had answered my prior uncertainty, "Who could he be?". I now faithfully believed that it was Him who had paid a visit that very night. I could feel the tenderness of His love through his touch and words. I instantly had myself baptized to prove how I truly believe.

Ever since I became a devoted believer, I felt blessed. I experienced numerous unthinkable and unimaginable miracles in life. GOD has guided me to fulfill a purpose on life. I always found myself bending on my knees praying: “Thank GOD for everything, not because of what I had done, but because what YOU had done.”

The day I trusted him, that’s the day I gained sovereignty and tranquility. I feel saved. This reminds me some parts of the hymn, Amazing Grace:

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.

'twas Grace that taught my heart to fear. And Grace, my fears relieved. How precious did that Grace appear The hour I first believed.

Life isn't a bed of roses, as what people say. I had to face a hard time dealing witho bjections from family members, especially my elder brother. Nevertheless, he came to realisation after I let him to witness a miracle. There was one instance where I simply opened a door with a faithful prayer. He was literally dumbfounded. And I bet YOU ARE, too.


Ibrahim Ismail said...

GOD works in a miracle way.

Bobby D. said...

thanks . thats right ^^

ZeLL~LeaH said...

hey2~ i read this...this is very touching... Brings me to tears... May God bless u always my dear borther in Christ~ ^_^