Tuesday, June 15, 2010


I had been waiting for so long for a moment like this. Finally, I had received the result of my application. I should say that it's promising. I will be receiving the allowance throughout my study years, and it's guaranteed that I'll get a job. So, I would like to announce to the world that I'll take an oath... to be a Mandarin language teacher. Yes, 'Sir Bobby' is born!

The sadness creeps in as I have to return back to Sabah on June, 26th. 2 weeks left and I don't feel like leaving, though. I've carved so much sweet memories in my heart while I'm in KL. Now, I have to leave everything, even the one that I adore so much.

I didn't want to miss a thing. I soothed myself by having a shopping spree! I wanted to get some attires as we have to wear formal outfit in the Teaching Institute. I spent $500 for:
1 black shirt,
1 pink shirt, and
1 neck tie (pink in colour, of course). 1 black pants
1 pair of hush puppies shoes
Worth spending, huh? I still think they're too expensive! I love the feeling, though.

I feel so wrong lately. I just wish to get rid of the insecurity soon enough. I keep wondering who is going to be my roommate in Institut Perguruan Gaya. Will he be a nice person? By nice I mean, neat and clean. I despise dirty and stinky fellow. GOD forbids! I just hope that my roommate will be as good as BX. He's kind and caring.

Ps. I could feel that the muscles on my arms are slowly growing. Kudos to Even for inspiring me. I start to love my workout routines and GYM seems to be my hang out place nowadays.

I will love You, O Lord, my strength. The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; My God, my strength, in whom I will trust; My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. (Ps 18.1-2)